Encouraging our fellows


Kaima – Anchored in the Earth


    Bein Hatlamim Earth


With extensive experience working with traumatized populations through our therapeutic farming initiatives, Amutat Kaima seeks to pilot “Anchored in the Earth”, a new nature-based initiative that will provide sustained exposure to healthy, normative activities for IDF reservists on the PTSD spectrum as well as for those struggling with emotional distress.


The project will tap into the healing power of nature and the highly satisfying experience of productive agricultural work, thus leading to increased resilience, reduced isolation, and the development of new capacities. Activities will take place on two acres of fertile land being tended to by Bein Hatlamim’s intergenerational farming team. (Bein Hatlamim is a Matanel-supported/Kaima-supervised farm.) The setting is quiet and well-suited to meet the needs of this special population.

The moment a person comes to the farm he/she is no longer a PTSD patient, but a farmer. By working the land in common purpose with others who have gone through similar experiences, participants will be redirected from excessive preoccupation with negative feelings toward productivity.

The project goals are to:

• Address symptom management and emotional regulation; improve interpersonal relationships; and provide tools for growth.

• Increase personal resilience and the feeling of being able to return to full function.

• Create a cohesive community-based support system, thus encouraging a sense of belonging, something many were drawn to and found comforting in their army service.

• Expose participants to activities that contribute to the greater good in ways that do not include military service.

• Complement other external treatment therapies.

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