Dear All,
Very proud to share with you this picture of Kfar Aza kids at BG airport, before embarking to their Ski Vacation.
Thanks again for all our friends that supported this initiative and made this dream a reality for these children.
Ski Beyahad – Ski camp in France for Kfar Azza kids with Yaniv associationread more
Dear Matanel Foundation,
We would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your quick response and generosity towards our efforts during this most difficult time. Thanks to your donation,the trainees of the Ofakim Gap-Year program have been able to volunteer and help with
various tasks such as:
Dear Partners,
We wish to thank you for the donation of $4,000 made to the Na Laga’at Center. Your
support of the ‘Served with Love’: hot meals for soldiers and Gaza Envelope evacuees
project is greatly appreciated. You allow us to assist people in need during these difficult
We continue to care for our staff members, most of them are sensory impaired, and for
the community as much as possible. We await better days to come soon.
With great respect and appreciation,
Dear Staff and trustees of the Matanel Foundation,
I hope this letter fi nds you well. On behalf of everyone at Meitarim Lachish Pre-Army Academies, I want to express our deepest gratitude for your generous donation to our organization. Your support is a testament to your commitment to fostering the growth and development of the next generation of Israeli leaders. Your contribution plays a vital role in enabling us to continue our mission of nurturing young individuals in their journey towards a strong Jewish-Zionist-Israeli identity.
Dear Friends at the Matanel Foundation!
Thank you for your gracious support. Please find attached a letter of appreciation describing the help you have brought to soldiers and families during this difficult time, including photos.
We look forward to hosting you to show you firsthand the fruits of your generosity.
B’sorot Tovot,
Binyamin and Moshe
With the outbreak of the war, Ma’ase Center moved all of its volunteering activities from routine volunteering to emergency volunteering all over the country, including the establishment of volunteering centers in cooperation with the local authorities, aiding in distributing food, medicine, and operating an aid center for the elderly, evacuation of shelters, and running informal educational activities for children and families of evacuees, etc.
In the last month, 938 volunteers helped more than 3000 citizens, including children, elders, teenagers, parents, etc. The activity began on October 9 and is expected to continue for another 6-8 weeks, and as time goes by, we increase and diversify the volunteering according to needs that arise from the field, such as volunteering in agricultural harvesting, etc. In addition, later on, Ma’ase Center will assist in holding educational activities for groups of young people between the ages of 16-18 who were evacuated from Sderot and are currently in the Dead Sea.
From everyone at Midreshet Hannaton and our mechina, Mechinat Hannaton, we would like to
thank you for your support during this difficult time.
Our Mehina participants have been busy non-stop since the 7th October: providing day care and
activities for families from Kibbutz Sa’ad who had been evacuated to a hotel by the Dead Sea, and
subsequently, volunteering with renovating bomb shelters in Haifa, with families who have been
evacuated to our campus from Sderot, volunteering in farms which are understaffed because of the
war; and hospitals in central Israel where injured people are recovering.
Many of our over 500 Mechina alumni are serving on the front line and many others are involved in
volunteering activities around the country.
Your donation is used for the residents of Ashkelon and Sderot who came to the city of Maale Adumim and were received with great love and warmth.
The needs and difficulties that arose from these residents, who were evacuated from their homes due to the war, are very numerous.
Families, children with special needs, elderly, children and teenagers who were evacuated from the south and arrived in the city of Ma’ale Adumim.
I hope this message finds you well. On behalf of Mechinat Rabin – Hechalutz, we extend our deepest gratitude for your generous donation from the emergency fund. Your support is truly invaluable, and we appreciate the recognition of our continuous efforts to serve our community. Attached, you’ll find a file containing participant testimonials and photos as requested. I hope these will help illustrate our recent activities effectively.
On behalf of all the people of Amichai, I wish again to express or gratitude for the most generous donation.
Amichai operates five houses in the community in Hod Hasharon. In each house live six people with severe developmental intellectual disabilities who need support and assistance in all day-to-day activities, from personal hygiene to food preparation and assistance with eating.
Thank you so much for your kind contribution- Over the past weeks our school has conducted numerous workshops for evacuated children in Jerusalem and its periphery , the Dead Sea, Tel Aviv.
Reactions are amazing- It is heartwarming for the beneficiaries, and for us.
Thank you once again and may we find some light in these dark days,
Dear Deborah,
I am writing to share with you a story from this morning. There was a terror attack in Jerusalem. Three people got killed and 6 people got injured. The soldier who shot the terrorists dead is one of our graduates.
On October 7th, our kibbutz was heavily attacked by Hamas terrorists and has been under heavy rocket fire ever since. Our 405 students were evacuated to different places in the country.
Thanks to our friends at the Matanel Fund, “A Taste of Unity” project just received a big push.
This Kaima initiative, being carried out in partnership with ללואיזה מטבח ארצישראלי עכשווי – luiza current israeli cuisineand other food chain players, has been responsible for preparing upwards of 1,000 hot delicious meals each day from the start of the war.
Thank you Matanel Foundation! Your support does, indeed, help unify our country, making it possible for Kaima and our team to participate in this essential effort.
We are very excited to share the news about Chernor – the GHIS graduate who is adopted by the community in Santa Barbara.
Chernor is a graduate from our first cohort. He is an orphan from Liberia who grew up in extreme poverty. Despite this, as a clever boy, he understood the value of education. He worked as a rickshaw driver from age 12, and it was this that enabled him to pay his school fees. GHIS was lucky to find Chernor as he was lucky to find us.
Dear Matanel Foundation, for the past two days,I have been trying to find the best way to express my gratitude for this Award, I ended up completely missing a word of thanks but I just concluded by thanking you for your creativity to launch the Matanel Award-TIKKUN OLAM.
Dear Friends!
Thank you very much for awarding SHEKEL – Inclusion for People with Disabilities the
prestigious Matanel Prize!
The April 2022 Matanel Conference was inspiring, stimulating and fruitful, providing
numerous NGOs an opportunity to share ideas.
Yaakov just had his fifth child. He lives in Beitar, a city outside of Jerusalem. He wears traditional Hasidic garb. When Yaakov was 25 years old, he began his path to support his family. First, he enrolled in a “mechina,” a preparatory studies program, at a leading college. After completing a year of preparatory studies, he started studying computer science, which took him 3 and 1/2 years. During the time that Yaakov was studying, his family struggled financially.
Here, on Kaima Farm, it’s been non-stop action as we maintain pace with our ongoing intensive youth employment initiative and agricultural business; expand our new vegetable donation program, Feed My Neighbor; and prepare to launch our new residential program, Safe Living. Even with COVID still rampant, we still see abundance and opportunity all around us. Let me share two stories that illustrate this:
The past month has been challenging at Desert Stars, as I imagine it is for everyone. However, in these difficult times our staff, but particularly students and program participants, have been displaying a huge commitment to their communities as young leaders – something that makes us immensely proud.
“Vehadarta – The Grey Power” works with the population that is at the epicenter of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Senior citizens, whose exclusion from the employment market, in particular, and from various social frameworks in Israel, in general, led us to launch our activity, are the main high-risk group.
Na Lagaat center, like all other entertainment centers, has been temporarily closed as instructed by the Israeli Ministry of Health, until further notice. All employees are on leave for at least a month, hoping to get back to work soon and start preparation of upcoming activities, in order to get back to normality as soon as possible.
We want to share with you a few of the exciting happenings that took place in our schools – Kedma and Neve Hof recently.
Oriya Weil, an 11th grade Kedma student, participated in Yad Vashem’s Fifth World Holocaust Forum that was held on January 23rd, commemorating the 75th anniversary of Auschwitz-Birkenau liberation.
These are difficult, strange times. Here in Kaima Hukuk, we are grateful for the opportunity to be able to secure a steady, healthy, nutritious diet for the local communities. In times like these, the importance of local, community-based agriculture is more evident than ever. We are proud to be agriculturists and to cultivate a new generation of professional vegetable-growers.
During the corona school closures, the middle school continued a full schedule of carefully designed distance learning. The teachers, principal, and guidance staff worked together to make sure the students had meaningful classes, social activities, and daily support and interaction to help them through a very unsettling time.
In the past two months, we have all been through a particularly challenging period, to say the least, where we have been committed to far-reaching systemic and personal changes. The farm’s adult staff has understood that routine must be maintained in every way possible to meet the educational goals that are the basis of the farm’s activities. The events and workshops booked a few months in advance, restaurant orders and schools were all canceled, we realized that funds accompanying the farm would not be able to give us a hand in the near future and that all of our financial commitments to suppliers must be fully fulfilled.
Despite severe challenges posed by the Coronavirus outbreak, I am pleased to report to you that the Access for All program has continued full force, offering twelve courses to 220 senior citizens of the Negev, all of whom are on welfare.
During this year we had 3000 visits of children and youth from the ultra-Orthodox community.
The program enables us to expose these young students to a new and unfamiliar world for them- world of science and Technology. Throughout the schedule, the groups visited our Science Museum as well as the outdoor Science park and took part in the various challenging tasks such as “Escape Park” (based on an ‘escape room’ format) as well as different workshops in our Medical Simulation Unit where they learned about certain topic and using the equipment.
Today, after 4.5 years of hard work, I am proud to report that we have reached an amazing goal: We have enabled 3,000 women and men to establish their own successful businesses! Thanks to your generous support and our amazing staff and volunteers, we are making a real social and economic revolution in Israeli society.
A few days ago we had the most moving gathering of our volunteer students towards the end of the year. Not all the volunteers were able to come, but the majority made the effort and enjoyed an uplifting experience.
The volunteers shared with each other their touching stories and struggles from their experience in the “Perach Zahav Matanel” project and drew strength and ideas from each other.
It is apparent how meaningful the project is for the elderly and not less, for the students.
Some relayed that they are the only ones to walk into their elderly’s house! Besides for their visit during the week, the senior is all alone and eagerly awaits the students visit- almost the only time he’ll turn on the light in the house.
I want to thank you all for being such good friends. Our success has been largely enabled and spirited forward the Matanel Fund. Thank you for being with us from the beginning.
Dear Gad, Joelle,
We are so pleased to share with you photos from our annual Kaima seminar, created with the encouragement of the Matanel Foundation.
The two-day seminar brought together 40 adult members of our four-farm Israel farm network
“We are extremely thankful for the support that Matanel has given us over the past three years, enabling us to launch our services in Kiryat Gat, Kiryat Malachi and Ramla/Lod. This support was critical in our ability to serve close to 250 poverty stricken families, and making a significant positive impact on entire neighborhoods.” Extract from Gabi Nahmani’s thank you letter
Joëlle, Ami, Johanna, et toute la famille Matanel – Un grand merci pour l’occasion de vous connaitre mieux et sentir part d’une bonne volonté a nombreux cercles.
Avec mes sincères remerciements pour l’accueil et la remarquable convention à laquelle j’ai eu la chance d’assister.J’ai pu comprendre et mesurer ce que Matanel faisait pour offrir à ceux qui en ont le plus besoin l’aide efficace et intelligente qui leur fait prendre leur destin en main.
Dear Joelle, Gad and Ami,
I would like to thank you for inviting me to the 4th Annual Matanel Retreat. It was truly a pleasure and an enlightening experience to hear
On behalf of Yael and me, I would like to express our thanks and appreciation for the educative and lovely retreat you have held yesterday. The sessions were useful and gave us an opportunity
We would like to thank you again for inviting us to attend the inspiring Matanel Conference, and for giving us the chance to present our work with the Netuim students and the elderly, to the conference participants.
I would like to express my appreciation to you for your assistance with school fees for our daughter Liel Aman, who is studying at the Center for Gifted Students at Kineret Academic College.
Extract from a letter of Etay Benovich, projector of IASA – Guatemala school
Over the past 8 months, we have truly made a great something out of nothing. Whereas last year there was no IASA middle school, now there is a thriving, diverse educational community working hand-in-hand with the disadvantaged Guatemala Elementary School.
It is difficult to describe in words this past year. Nonetheless, if we try we will probably think of Freud, defense mechanisms, sleep, developmental stages, types of parenting, first impressions, decision making, learning, the brain, and more and more.