Testimonial 4th retreat – Avratech


Testimonial 4th retreat - A thank you letter from Avratech

The 4th Matanel Retreat 2018

Joëlle, Ami, Johanna, et toute la famille Matanel – Un grand merci pour l’occasion de vous connaitre mieux et sentir part d’une bonne volonté a nombreux cercles.
That’s how far I can get with my poor French…
I really enjoyed the day and learned a lot. Bravo.
Joëlle – you asked for our ideas about what you can add for next year. This is my thought: I think we can make a bigger impact together as a family on the government and official state responsibility. I would suggest that for the next year gathering each Amutah should invite one government office that is in a good relationship and is supporting its project to take part. I am sure that the impact of this day on an office that is in charge of the budgets can make an impressive effect, and will make it very hard for the office to ignore. As Ami said, we are all persons and in the end when we put so many good initiatives in a room, one cannot stay indifferent.
I thank you again for your significant support, and for the good you believe in and promote – spiritually and materially.
Galia Elieli
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