Mechinat Hannaton (SV26)
Shalom Rav
From everyone at Midreshet Hannaton and our mechina, Mechinat Hannaton, we would like to
thank you for your support during this difficult time.
Our Mehina participants have been busy non-stop since the 7th October: providing day care and
activities for families from Kibbutz Sa’ad who had been evacuated to a hotel by the Dead Sea, and
subsequently, volunteering with renovating bomb shelters in Haifa, with families who have been
evacuated to our campus from Sderot, volunteering in farms which are understaffed because of the
war; and hospitals in central Israel where injured people are recovering.
Many of our over 500 Mechina alumni are serving on the front line and many others are involved in
volunteering activities around the country. We are immensely proud of all of them, and, together
with our Alumni Coordinator, are doing our best to support them and provide them with any
resources they need.
We are very thankful for your support and partnership.
Your sincerely
Rabbi Yoav Ende
Founder and Head of the Hannaton Educational Center.