Encouraging creativity and culture


Yom Rachi – La Journée du Judaïsme Français


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The Central Consistory of France joins forces with the Maison Rachi to create a world first: Yom Rachi, at the Troyes Exhibition Center on July 10.Yom Rashi is the great holiday of French Judaism celebrated in honor of the most famous French Jew (or French Jew) in the world.


Unlike most great Jewish figures, the anniversary of the death of Rashi, arguably the greatest commentator on the founding texts of Judaism, had never before been celebrated. It therefore appeared essential for the Central Consistory of France, in association with the Maison Rashi, to organize this first world event in Troyes: Yom Rashi.

The challenge of such an event is to unite and bring together Jewish and non-Jewish audiences in France, to highlight the vitality of French Judaism under the banner of its mentor, Rachi de Troyes, and to promote French Jewish culture, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.


1:30 p.m. – Round table – from Rashi to the present day: the genius of Judaism

3 p.m. – Official ceremony

4:30 p.m. – Steve Suissa & Cécile Ben’s Show “time for a violin”

6:30 p.m. – Round table – Rashi: the spirit of French Judaism

8 p.m. – Michel Boujenah Show “Farewell to the Magnificent”


Mandatory reservation : http://rachi-troyes.com/yom-rachi

5 euros entry, free for children under 6 years old

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