Encouraging progress


Yameinu KeKedem Kfar Zeitim School for At-Risk Haredi Boys


  • Yameinu KeKedem Kfar Zeitim School for At-Risk Haredi Boys 2015-2016

  • Yameinu KeKedem Kfar Zeitim School for At-Risk Haredi Boys 2015-2016

  • Yameinu KeKedem Kfar Zeitim School for At-Risk Haredi Boys 2015-2016

  • Yameinu KeKedem Kfar Zeitim School for At-Risk Haredi Boys 2014-2015

  • Yameinu KeKedem Kfar Zeitim School for At-Risk Haredi Boys 2014-2015

  • Yameinu KeKedem Kfar Zeitim School for At-Risk Haredi Boys 2014-2015

  • Yameinu KeKedem Kfar Zeitim School for At-Risk Haredi Boys 2014-2015

  • Yameinu KeKedem Kfar Zeitim School for At-Risk Haredi Boys 2014-2015



Kfar Zeitim seeks to meet the needs of boys that do not fit into standard Haredi educational frameworks—due to learning disabilities or emotional difficulties-by providing a residential high school that combines vocational training and traditional yeshiva studies.

One of Kfar Zeitim’s core beliefs is to enable these boys to become proficient in a wide variety of subjects, suited to their talents and aspirations.


Kfar Zeitim enables students ages 14-18 who have dropped out of traditional Haredi schools to reach their full potential in a Haredi setting that helps them stay connected to their parents and community. Kfar Zeitim program offers three vocational courses: industrial electronics, computer maintenance and networks and carpentry. In addition, all pupils study English, mathematics, and Hebrew. The first 2.5-3 hours of the day are dedicated to Torah study.

But first and foremost, the program is a warm home for the boys as most of the boys come from troubled backgrounds. Kfar Zeitim seeks to help each boy heal and move ahead, thus students receive therapy as needed. Kfar Zeitim began providing a nurturing and educational environment for at-risk Haredi boys in 2000. In 2010 the school began its successful partnership with the ORT network, quickly became ORT’s flagship school in the Haredi sector, while growing to over 110 students in less than five years. Kfar Zeitim will continue to guide its graduates as they seek employment or embark on business initiatives.

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