The concept of “Rashi House” was based on the assumption that the community had gradually become the Rachi’s debtor: without the notoriety of Rashi, the restoration work of the Synagogue could never have been realized.
To honor this debt to Rashi, the idea has emerged to pay homage to him through an original cultural creation: that of a permanent exhibition around his work, his life and his posterity, beyond centuries and borders.
René Pitoun therefore took charge of the relations with the scientific committee, the museographer, the scenographer, the graphic artists, the craftsmen and various companies, federating around this immense project to allow the visitors to rediscover Rashi within the framework of an exhibition original permanent, in which the transmission of his work, his history and the realities of his time have their place to “revive” Rashi in Troyes.
The “Rashi House”, a permanent exhibition, was therefore conceived inside the buildings of the restored synagogue, as an immersive museum tour and a place of experience, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the life and work of the museum. Rashi, each according to his particular reading of the character.