Encouraging progress


The Branco-Weiss School

  • The Branco-Weiss School 2012-2013

    The Branco-Weiss School 2012-2013

  • The Branco-Weiss School 2012-2013

    The Branco-Weiss School 2012-2013

  • The Branco-Weiss School 2012-2013

    The Branco-Weiss School 2012-2013

  • The Branco-Weiss School 2012-2013

    The Branco-Weiss School 2012-2013



The Branco-Weiss Ramle School’s educational point of view is that one cannot differentiate the pupil’s private life from his or her school experience. Thus, only a comprehensive response will provide students with the tools they need to deal with the variety of emotional, physical and personal problems they confront and, thereby, put them on the path to a brighter horizon.


The project will give our pupils an individual welfare care. Many of our pupils have barriers external to school that prevent them from living up to their potential and succeeding in life. The welfare fund with the help of “Matanel” fund will help lift those barriers.
The school fund will be run by a committee in which a meticulous listing of all its activities will be held. The fund will enable us to help our pupils beyond the school limits. In our educational point of view, one cannot differentiate the pupil’s private life from school. Thus, only a comprehensive response will provide them with the proper tools to deal with the verity of emotional, physical and personal problems they have and will enable them to find the road towards a bright horizon.
In addition, with the help of the “Matnel” fund the school will start an “excellence scholarship” program. Each year the school will grant pupils who have excelled academically and socially scholarships.  We would like our pupils to talk in terms of success, hard work and motivation.  A project that will make the children strive for something that demands hard work will have a great contribution for their desire to succeed and to their ability to dream.

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