Encouraging progress


Summer Youth University, Israel


  • 22th Class Summer Youth University 2022

  • Photos for the Summer University – 20th Class

  • Photos for the Summer University – 20th Class

  • Photos for the Summer University – 20th Class

  • Photos for the Summer University – 20th Class

  • Photos for the Summer University – 20th Class

  • Photos for the Summer University – 20th Class

  • Photos for the Summer University – 20th Class

  • Photos for the Summer University – 20th Class

Summer Youth Tel Aviv University


The unit aims to leverage students from the disadvantages social and geographic sectors and bring them closer to academic institutions in order to make them feel that university studies are within reach. We believe that getting to know the university will contribute to social mobility, reduce gaps among different groups in the population, and raise the level of aspirations and trust of the youngsters in their ability to be part of the academic world. The program is based on the notion that the strength of the Israeli society depends on reducing social, educational and digital gaps.


This program integrates around 50 excellent students from distant areas, who have graduated the 10th and 11th grades, in the summer semester of the Tel Aviv University. The participants, ‘First Generation of Higher Education’ come from a low socioeconomic background. They have been detected, with the assistance of high school principals in communities of the social and geographic periphery of Israel, as students with high potential for excellence in studies, and they represent all sectors of Israeli society.

These students will receive credits that will serve them in their future academic studies as well as grant them with recognition of matriculation exams in some of the courses.

The young students participate in two to three challenging academic courses in subjects such as economics, sociology, anthropology, and political science.

In addition to academic goals, the Summer Youth University aims to expose participants to the riches of university and Tel Aviv life. Participants enjoy scientific tours of TAU research labs and the University’s unique zoological and botanical gardens. They have access to the University’s libraries, sports center facilities and swimming pools. They visit museums, special exhibitions and theaters, and participate in tours of industrial plants in the region.

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