Encouraging progress


Scholarships for Medical Students


  • Scholarships for Medical Students 2011-2012

  • Scholarships for Medical Students 2011-2012

  • Scholarships for Medical Students 2011-2012

  • Scholarships for Medical Students 2011-2012

  • Scholarships for Medical Students 2011-2012



Medical services in Israel and in the modern world are emerging with regard to anatomical and physiological research that are developing together, along with a professional team that it’s professional training includes social support that accompanies the patients. Even doctors themselves are trained to have good communication and support their patients. .


The main goal of the Scholarship project for medical students whose families are from the Maghreb countries is to encourage students from peripheral areas to integrate in one of the important service areas for the welfare and health of the residents of Israel.
Conspicuous absence of Sephardic in general and those from Morocco in particular in the field of medical services, makes the services and the communication with this community difficult. There is no doubt that understanding the mentality and the knowledge of the cultural context will contribute to the communication between doctors and their patients, especially in peripheral areas, and contribute to strengthening the physical and social support in health services. Students who meet the required criteria, including good grades and preference for housing in peripheral areas, will receive an annual scholarship. During the year, meetings will be dedicated to recognition of and learning about the North African immigration, its integration and absorption in Israel, and its spiritual-cultural contribution to the Israeli heritage. These meetings will be devoted to formation of group identity and strengthening the student’s sense of mission in their professional training.

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