Encouraging faith


Restoration of the Synagogue of Troyes




The restoration of the buildings on rue Brunneval by the ACI – RASHI, in addition to the concept of setting off the value of the architectural heritage, is purposefully historical : to honor the memory of RASHI. It will allow us to inscribe the action of the grand master of Champagne in the city of Troyes, to bring his work and his influence from the Middle Ages closer into our times.


From the 16th century up to today, improvements and restorations have been done several times. The most recent is the facade on Brunneval Street, entirely restored in the last 2 years in half-timbered champagne region style.

The project which we have started this year is, in fact, a continuation of the last work. Its goal is to restore the whole of the 3 interior courtyards (pavement and facades), the 600 sq meters of roofing as well as the framework and external woodwork. The restoration of this property is urgent : the entire framework of the structure is so damaged that we could be facing legal action to restore or tear down the property because of imminent danger.

Our restoration project is situated in the heart of the Bouchon de Champagne (the city center of Troyes) in a historic preservation sector whose architecture is outstanding for the quality of its half-timbered buildings. It concerns a block of buildings, each structured around a hemmed-in inner courtyard. The restoration is focused on reconstructing the original work and setting off the architectural characteristics peculiar to each building. The main objective stated by the historic preservation rules is the restitution of the original architectural character of the buildings as it probably was at the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Renaissance.

The ensemble of half-timbered houses existing in the city is remarkable for its good state of conservation and its homogeneity, unique in France. The city had a great deal of timber available, so the buildings were constructed with this robust, inexpensive material. Traditionally, the City was made up of half-timbered houses standing on a base of rock, which protected them from floods and land slippage. The spaces between the timbers are filled in with daub, which insured flexibility in the structure. The daub has a finish coating of a colored lime-and-sand mixture. Creation of a space dedicated to the memory of Rashi and a place to welcome students :

Finally, in this appropriate framework, we would like to allow RASHI’s works to be studied by all those in the entire world (and they are numerous) who wish to broaden their knowledge, using for a base, the reflections and commentary of the great master from Troyes. How can we better honor our venerable ancestor than by dedicating to him, in the city where he lived, this edifice in which will be prolonged, not only his memory, but especially his desire, always to be more familiar with the richness of the teachings of Jewish thought.

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