Is it possible and ethical, to engage in a quest for eternal youth and extend life expectancy?
For the first time in Italy, Milan will host a major international longevity forum bringing the most celebrated and accredited researchers, economists, investors, and biotech companies, to promote brain longevity and the prevention of physical and mental aging. The diseases of aging impact population health, the economy, and the fabric of society all over the world. But if we avoid diseases and live much longer, we need new social paradigms about welfare policies, economy, work, cities’ organization, which will require the development of political and administrative awareness to counterbalance the demographic change.
The Summit is organized in the format of a Week, inspired by the Fashion and by the Design week, which made Milan famous all over the world. All the most prestigious scientific, academic research institutions adhered to the project and contribute in the organization.
Viviana Kasam, a renowned Italian journalist, founded in 2010 together with Nobel Prize recipient Rita Levi Montalcini, the no profit Association BrainCircleItalia, to divulge to the large public the most cutting-edge research in brain science and related topics.
Her events all entrance-free and she hosts the most brilliant and accredited scientists from all over the world.
Since 2010 she has been organizing numerous national and international meetings on neurosciences, the Brainforums, ( along with radio and on-line conferences (Pillole per la mente) and film festivals (Cervello & Cinema), screening cult movies introduced by top scientists live in the theaters. Aware of the discrimination of women in science, In 2020-2021 she designed and run an itinerant international event, “Emotions Brainforum” that traveled to 9 cities in Europe and Israel, hosting only women speakers, the most recognized researchers in Emotions from all over the world. Since late 1990s, she has engaged in organizing for the Union of the Italian Jewish Communities (UCEI), the institutional concerts for the Holocaust Remembrance Day under the High Patronate of the President of the Italia Republic .