

Mikvah in Westcliff


  • Mikvah in Westcliff 2014

  • Mikvah in Westcliff 2014

  • Mikvah in Westcliff 2014

  • Mikvah in Westcliff 2014



To give the opportunity for the Westcliff community to have a beautiful, modern and attractive Mikvah.


The rebuilding works have now completed. Throughout the project the Rabbi Bar were personally supervising the on-going work to ensure that the Halachic standards, set by Rabbi Posen and myself, were being strictly adhered to. I ensured that the project was being fully funded by outside generous donors who wished to remain anonymous. Seeing the project to completion has been a great source of personal satisfaction for the hard work that was put into it over the last few years. The Rabbi Bar, with the help of the parents committee, the Youth Club leaders and others, planned the very exciting Mikveh Family Day. The community wanted to organize an unforgettable day, filled with fun activities, for the young Jewish families who live in Southend. It was a great success as it was attended by about 350 people, including some 50 youth who joined in the fun throughout the day and it was packed with enjoyable activities. The Rabbi organized an adult Choir led by Arden Hart and a children Cheder Choir led by Andrew Walters. The community has the honoured to have with us the Chief Rabbi who addressed the community and came to speak to the younger families. His speech was entertaining and inspirational. The Chief Rabbi said during his speech that our newly rebuilt Mikveh is “the nicest he has seen!”. The rebuilt Mikveh will give all Jewish ladies living in and around Southend the opportunity to have a beautiful, modern and attractive facility to help them connect with Jewish life. Our rebuilt Mikveh will also be of great benefit to visitors who wish to use it. It will serve as an excellent PR tool for our community in which all Jewish people of all religious observance feel welcomed and at ease.

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