Encouraging progress


Keren Matanel in Zohar and Contemporary European Jewish Philosophy




The purpose of the project is to enhance scholarship and academic excellence, specifically in the areas of Kabala in general and the Zohar in particular, and  Contemporary European Jewish thought.


The goal of the project is to provide empowerment to young scholars in Jewish Thought. It is our intention to provide four fellowships for doctorate candidates for two years and to provide two fellowships for two post doctoral students every year. Our specific goal is to promote the kabbalah studies and the research in the Zohar literature in conjunction with the studies in Contemporary European Jewish Philosophy. This is an important aspect of effort to be made to maintain the leading role The Hebrew University in Jerusalem for the research in to Jewish thought.

Dr. Avinoam Rosenak is an active in the academic world in his field of Philosophy of Halakhah. He organized several international conferences on this subject at The Van Leer Institute. Rosenak is the academic editor of the Philosophy of Halakhah library in the Van Leer Institute in Jerusalem. He is an active intellectual in the life of the Jewish community in Israel. He is one of the organizers of the project “talking Peace”.

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