Encouraging our fellows


Kaima Tanzania – A Matanel Educational Farm: Agricultural and Educational Training Centre


  • Girls and young mothers during knitting session. The knitting class of the Matanel Educational Farm in 2021-2022. It was made by grass roofed huts

  • Butternut Squash harvesting

  • Community members are following up the event of the important of feeding children and eating butternut squash

  • Watermelon harvesting is underway

  • Butternut squash on the way to the Market in Mwanza City from the farm. One needs to take a ferry crossing the water body of Lake Victoria- Mwanza Gulf in order to reach the Matanel Education Farm. Getting into the ferry is very hard because of the poor infrastructure. Hence, youth are helping each other to push the “Bajaji” into the ferry.

  • Butternut Squash harvesting

  • Basic Computer training

  • One of our volunteers enjoying the knitting training at Kaima Village. The knitting class in 2022-2023 is improved, it is conducted in the permanent class made by youth themselves.

  • Traditional Dance in the farm during “Mavuno Festival” organized by Kaima village, A Matanel Education Farm. Ashankira is displaying into the community the important of feeding the babies butternut squash.

  • Community members are following up the event of the important of feeding children and eating butternut squash

  • Visitors paying attention to our knitting products at Kaima Village

  • This is the results of cultivating sunflower. We have added value by starting Sheep and Cow project. We use “oilcake” to feed our organic chicken, sheep, and goats. (Oilcake is the residue obtained after oil is removed from seeds rich in protein and minerals for animal feed.

  • The Community Based Exhibition of the farm products. It is done in order to introduce a new product to the community and awareness creation on organic farming as well as discourage people to use chemicals in their vegetable while farming.

  • Doreen (17), Bala (19) and Jenifer (18) Displaying our beautiful golden sunflower oil--grown, processed and marketed with our own hands.

  • Welcome to Kaima Village- A Matanel Education Farm,

  • One of the incomes generating activities at Kaima Village is beading. It is usually done during breaktime. These products are sold to the visitors coming to the project both local and international ones.

  • One of the products for the beginners of the tailoring and sandal making class being displayed in the classroom.

  • One of the products for the beginners of the tailoring and sandal making class being displayed in the classroom.

  • Meshak (18) with a good smile and everyone is happy of him because he is doing the work which normally is done by women. He is conducting peer to peer training of “Mandazi”. Cooking is traditionally considered as the work for girls or women. Kaima Village has totally changed that perception.

  • Bricks making at Kaima Village. One of the Income Generating Activities of the farm.

  • the view of Kaima Village with the Mango Project

  • Welcome to Kaima Village- A Matanel Education Farm,

  • Welcome to Kaima Village- A Matanel Education Farm.

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Kaima Tanzania is an educational farm dedicated to empowering rural Tanzanian youth around matters of agriculture, a sector with tremendous potential to decrease unemployment and poverty and increase health and opportunity. Recently expanded outreach focuses on vocational training in sectors in which there is high demand for goods and services. Our vision is to create a society in which young people are empowered to support themselves and their families through undertakings for which they are responsible.


The Matanel Foundation has been instrumental in furthering the organization’s capacity to implement the Kaima model in Tanzania, initially by helping establish our pilot farm in Misungwi and more recently the Kaima Village in the Mwanza Region.
In this new undertaking, the Foundation is partnering with us to unify our efforts to employ and train youth in sustainable agricultural practices and provide vocational training, particularly through our Sewing for Success initiative, through the Matanel-Kaima Tanzania Agricultural and Vocational Training Centre.
The undertaking will provide agricultural and vocational training and employment for 150 youth aged 14-24, over the next three years. Participants will include youth who have dropped out of school or are on the cusp of doing so; orphans; young people who have finished primary and/or secondary education but are unemployed; and others. We anticipate that 35% will be boys; 35% will be girls; and 30%* will be young women.
Each participant will be expected to be able to transition off the farm into independent agricultural work and/or produce high-quality goods in the garment, construction, and other industries. Accordingly, participants will make use of newly acquired skills and networking opportunities to become more self-reliant.

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