Encouraging our fellows


Kaima Nahalal




Kaima Nahalal seeks to re-engage and empower youth, identified by the Ministry of Welfare as having dropped out of school, through a multi-faceted program of hands-on organic farming, business learning, and community activities. It will operate according to an employment-as-education model developed and tested by Kaima Beit Zayit. The Kaima system works by synthesizing education, vocational training, and environmental concerns into one cohesive, strength-based model.


Kaima Nahalal seeks to impact: youth; the community at large; and Israel’s educational authorities by facilitating the following: Yearlong employment initiative: Our intensive yearlong program will target youth between 15-18 years old.  Kaima Nahalal’s young farmers will learn new skills and earn a salary, incentive which helps them take responsibility for themselves, the team and the farm. Becoming a young Kaima farmer will begin with an interview and a tour of the grounds with someone already in the program, away from any adults. Those selected to participate learn to grow, cultivate, market and sell the farm’s organic products in one of our community distribution centers and deliver weekly portions to our subscribers’ homes. Activities will take place daily, from 7:30 – 2:30 in different shifts.   Summer and mini educational agricultural workshops: Kaima Nahalal will also offer shorter-term programs, including an educational summer initiative for youth without any other summer framework and at risk of drifting and getting into trouble. This program will be offered in partnership with our local regional council. Other short-term programs may include workshops for schools and scouting groups, educators, synagogue groups, NGOs, the IDF, family missions and other visitors from abroad.

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