Les jeunes n’ont pas eu accès durant de longs moments à la culture juive, mais ils ont pourtant soif de ces liens identitaires.
Il faut aussi trouver un format de jeu accessible les shabbat, les fêtes ou en voiture et avec toute la famille contrairement à d’autres jeux de sociétés.
Comment transmettre et avec quels outils ?
Le format jeu de carte, et particulièrement le jeu de 7 familles, permet de transmettre un message de torah simplifié, et de le rendre accessible au plus grand nombre.
Young people have not had access to Jewish culture for a long time, but they are thirsty for these identity ties.
It is also necessary to find a game format accessible on Shabbat, holidays or in the car and with the whole family unlike other board games.
How to transmit and with what tools?
The card game format, and especially the game of 7 families, makes it possible to transmit a simplified Torah message, and to make it accessible to as many people as possible.
Sometimes, the “modern” messages and those of our tradition put us back-to-back, they can separate us!
Our job with this card game is to put them face to face by propagating the contents. We come out of the boxes; we seek to be a gateway so that the contents of the elite are accessible.
It is also necessary to find a game format accessible on Shabbat, holidays or in the car and with the whole family unlike other board games.
How to transmit and with what tools?
The card game format, and especially the game of 7 families, makes it possible to transmit a simplified Torah message, and to make it accessible to as many people as possible.
We hope that this game will be a bridge and that it will open the field of possibilities
Quelquefois, les messages « modernes » et ceux de notre tradition nous mettent dos à dos, ils peuvent nous séparer !
Notre travail avec ce jeux de carte est de les mettre face à face en propageant les contenues. Nous sortons des cases, nous cherchons à être une porte d’entrée pour que les contenues de l’élite soient accessibles.
Nous espérons que ce jeu sera un pont et qu’il ouvrira le champs des possibles.
For a few years now, the French Jewish community, which is usually traditionalist, has gone to extremes.
Often due to lack of knowledge and understanding. We want to provide a solid foundation for young and old alike.
By means of BD supports and educational files we can bring knowledge.
We must replace Judaism as a way of life that includes:
– the torah,
– Israel,
– customs and family,
– memory duty
– and Ivrit