Encouraging creativity and culture


International Conference of Hispanic Studies


International Conference of Hispanic Studies 2019


The conference aims to present to the wide audience interested in Hispanic and Judeo Spanish culture to get acquainted with the most up to date research in the field, presented by the most outstanding international scholars.


In Cooperation with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the International Association of Hispanists, the program aims to promote Spanish and Latin American culture, with special topics focusing on its Judeo-Spanish aspects.

The aim is to gather about 600 international participants in Jerusalem and contribute to the establishment of Israel and Jerusalem as a center of academic excellence in the field of Hispanic and Judeo Spanish culture.


July2018: Publication of Call for Lecture Proposals

February 2019: Deadline for the submission of proposals

Spring 2019: Answers sent to lecturers

July7-12,2019: Conference held at the Hebrew University, Mt Scopus

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