Encouraging progress


High-risk youth rehabilitation by employment and art at Susans’ House

Jerusalem, Israel

Susans House collage - JPG (002)


Susan’s House established in memory of Susan Kaplansky who dreamed of helping youth through art. Our vision is to rehabilitate at-risk youth through artistic and occupational training, and imparting life skills.


The program trains, educates, and empowers at-risk youth with vocational training and integration into society as independent and productive adults.

Twenty youths participate in the program. They come to Susans’ House from their schools or special learning centers and work from 3:00 p.m. till 8:00 p.m. to produce arts & crafts. The job is customized for each girl and boy according to their needs and abilities. They receive a salary for their work.

We train them to create jewelry and glass products and ceramics in Susan’s house factory.

They receive a hot meal every day, prepared by a teenager in rotation, who’s guided and paid for that.

Our instructors hold weekly 1:1 conversations with each of the teenagers about a personal rehabilitation themed program.

We hold weekly staff meetings attended by our social worker, a psychologist, our team of instructors from the fields of art and welfare, and Susans’ House CEO – on the occupational rehabilitation aspects and daily life of the youth in Susan’s house.

We also connect the youth with additional sources of assistance and support in Jerusalem outside of Susan’s home, such as residents, psychological therapy, staff at school, welfare professionals, and more.

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