Encouraging creativity and culture


Expo « Juifs d’Orient, une histoire plurimillénaire » / «Jews from Islamic Land, a multimillennial history»




The Exhibition Jews from the Islamic lands aims to highlight intercultural dialogue. The exhibition intends to provide a unique perspective on the multi-millennial history of Jewish communities in the Arab world.

lt highlights the Jewish heritage of the Middle East and the coexistence between Jews and Muslims, underlining the profusion of cultural, intellectual and scientific exchanges between these two communities. The project aims to promote dialogue through mutual understanding of cultures.

Numerous initiatives have been launched for the school public, including the organization of school visits, mediation actions, an educational kit, the publication of a scientific catalogue and an educational booklet that are available to the public.

The IMA’s mission is to promote a better understanding of the Arab world, and the strengthening of Franco-Arab dialogue is essential. ln addition to the artistic ambitions of its programme, the Arab World lnstitute aims to act as a platform for reflection on the contemporary Arab world and as a space for meetings between all the actors of French and Arab societies, especially economic actors.


The Institut du monde arabe hightlights the constructive dialogue between the two shores of the Mediterranean through a large set of events such as exhibitions, concerts, lectures and meetings. Furthermore, it encourages the younger generations to learn about the Arab language and cultures by offering them language courses, mediation actions, educational booklet and visits.

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