– To give religion a face and a space for tolerance, modernity, creativity, and freedom.
– To propose a contemporary thought fed by the study of texts and the questioning, indefatigable base of the Judaism.
– To make the civil and religious worlds have a dialogue, because they are not tight but on the contrary, they form a whole, and they will be enriched.
Wild curls, young smile and leather jacket, Delphine Horvilleur is far from the religious archetypes.
Former model, medical student then journalist in Jerusalem, she became a Rabbi at the Hebrew Union College of NYC in 2008.
Delphine Horvilleur is now one of the three women rabbis in France, in the Liberal Jewish Movement of France in Paris, a community of 1500 families.
Delphine does not worry about the controversies that she might cause, as well a mother of 3 young children as a religious leader, so wise as avant-garde. She is an iconoclastic pioneer of the modern interpretation of sacred texts and ties up a continuous dialogue with the other religious communities and the civil society.
To meet Delphine Horvilleur is to discover a major figure of the French Jewish Community; she embodies the perfect balance of modernity and tradition, and is the face of an enlightened future.