Encouraging our fellows


Creating space


merkaz herzog


“Creating space” is a creative midrash for creators, artists, and entrepreneurs in the fields of culture and creativity. The project seeks to explore the relationship between Jewish identity and the physical and community space. We seek to extract the uniqueness of the identity and creativity of the residents of the south region of Israel and bring this creativity to the center of the cultural activities of Israeli society.


The Yaacov Herzog Center for Jewish Identity is a home for engaging with Jewish identity and fostering connections among its diverse facets – through study, encounters, and action. We believe that by bringing together different groups in Israeli society around the question of Jewish identity, by creating spaces for exploration, learning, and discussion, by initiating and enabling social initiatives in local communities, Israeli society will be more diverse and unified, and Judaism will become an enriching, embracing, and connecting force within it.
The center hosts a wide range of educational programs for all ages that integrate encounters between diverse and equal participants, including the “Creating Space” Beit Midrash.
“Creating Space” is a creative study program for artists and creators operating in the southern region of Israel. It is an innovative annual program that explores the relationship between identity, place, and their impact on the physical, communal, and Jewish space. Within the framework of the initiative, a group of about 20 creators will be formed, capable of leading cultural and social change while recognizing the uniqueness of the voices of Southern artists.
The Beit Midrash will operate monthly, allowing participants to engage in a study that addresses the current issues in Israeli society from a Jewish perspective. At the conclusion of the program, the fellows will be invited to participate in a flagship event, the “Creating Space” Festival.

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