Encouraging progress


ARAVA –Leadership Institute / Paran branch


  • ARAVA –Leadership Institute / Paran branch 2013-2014

  • ARAVA –Leadership Institute / Paran branch 2013-2014

  • ARAVA –Leadership Institute / Paran branch 2013-2014

  • ARAVA –Leadership Institute / Paran branch 2013-2014



The “ARAVA” Leadership Institute – Paran branch, will train and develop young ethical leadership for a range of practical fields in Israel. The leadership will be drawn from the connection to the land of Israel, to the people and to the origin of the country. Leadership consisting of social ethics and human sensitivity, leadership that presents with a personal example.


The preparatory program will educate in light of values drawn from Judaism and Zionism, to the importance of contribution to the country and community, to the value of work of the land and protecting the environment, to full and significant army service, to humanism, social equality and respect for fellow man.

The annual program consists of six foundations:
Study, Contribution to the community, Army preparation, Land of Israel studies, Group life & Agriculture and Environment.
• As part of the educational program of the mehina the students successfully completed 10 annual series (seminars) in a variety of topics such as social series, field studies, a series of acquaintanceship with Israeli society, and content series on key issues (such as Jerusalem series).
• We find that the students contribution to the community one of the most important elements of the Preparatory year.  The  Students volunteer day and a half a week in various settings in the Arava and Eilat. Working with children with special needs,   with the mentally handicapped, youth at risk, and the elderly population, expose them to places and challenges that are in the “backyard” of Israeli society and develops the ability to receive and give place to others.
• As part of preparatory year we prepare the students for full and meaningful military service, and direct them to positions of command and officers.
• As part of Israeli identity formation and strengthening the ties of our students to the land of Israel, we held various activities engaged in “Land of Israel studies”.  During the year, we conduct hiking in all parts of the country from south to north .
• Group life: we find that heterogeneous group of youngsters, who living their life together intensively every day, challenges each and every one of them to work hard on their morals, consideration, openness, sacrifice and tolerance.
• Agriculture and Environment: We believe it is important to connect the generation living at the beginning of the 21st century to its roots. To the roots of our existence that come from the earth and its products and related roots of our existence in this country. We believe that, in agriculture, physical, permanent, binding, has since trained physically and mentally to human forces.

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