Mechinat HaEmek
Our father our king Bring an end to pestilence, war, and famine around us / Our father our king, Bring an end to all trouble and oppression around us. From the ritual prayer Avinu Malkeinu.
Dear Friends, dear Partners,
It is our great pleasure to share with you these short thoughts of Yaniv Mezuman, the director of one of the vibrating mechinot that we are currently supporting.
May you all be blessed with a happy, peaceful, healthy and prosperous new year.
Joëlle & Gad
A New Prayer
The New Year fills our heart with excitement, bringing with it a hope for renewal, an opportunity for us as individuals and as a society to change and begin a new one.
Besides the excitement of a beginning, a new year carries a promise. It requires self-examination which states where we are heading to. The Torah defines Rosh Hashanah as a Day of Remembrance, and the Ba’al Shem Tov, the founder of Hassidism, says: “Remembering is the key to redemption.” Our potential to progress in a good manner compels us to remember the past, to give it its due place and to design a path to build a better world.
Rosh Hashanah, in the Jewish tradition, does not only mark the beginning of a new year according to the Hebrew calendar, but the day on which the Biblical Adam was created – it is the birthday of the world. Naomi Shemer wrote: “In Rosh Hashanah, our heart answered with an ancient prayer, that beautiful and different shall be the year, which begins today.”
There ends a year and its maledictions and a new one begins with its blessings.
Yaniv Mezuman
Mechinat Meitarim Lachish