Grant Application form – test Matanel Grant application form Please fill the following form in English and send it back to us with the required documents. PROGRAM: Year: 1. Name of the program: 2. Name of the association: 3. Date of creation of the association: 4. Association (Amuta) official registration number: 3. Coordinator of the program The name of the coordinator of the program: Post mail: Electronic mail: Phones : Direct phone :[tel*tel-coordinatordirect] Mobile phone : fax : Name of the institution: Postal Adress of the institution: Electronic Adress of the institution: Website of the institution: Position in the institution: 4. How have you heard about the Matanel Foundation ? 5. Rational of the program (no more than a few sentences giving the circumstances for the proposed program): 6. Objectives (two or three main objectives of the project): Objective 1 [textarea*objective1-program] Objective 2 [textarea*objective2-program] Objective 3 7. Main guidelines in the running of the program (how the program will run): 8. Success factors (give two to three success factors): Success factor 1 [textarea*success-factor1] Success factor 2 [textarea*success-factor1] Success factor 3 9. Steps in the follow up and evaluation of the program: Please join the following documents: The CV of the program coordinator in (English). A detailed tentative budget for the next three years including expenses and incomes (in English). 2 to 3 letters of recommendations for the program coordinator (originals in Hebrew & their translation in English). Δ