Yael Berman-Domb, CEO of ‘Tana Yerushalmi’ (photo: The Jerusalem Fund)
Yael Berman-Domb, CEO of Tana Yerushalmi, during an activity (photo: The Jerusalem Fund)
“As part of the selection process, over 100 nominations were submitted to win the new prestigious award,” it was reported to “Khal Ha’ir”. “Many groundbreaking initiatives were presented in the proposals, which strengthen society in all its aspects and have a decisive contribution for the residents of Jerusalem. At the end of a strict selection process led by the judging team, Yael Berman-Domb, CEO of ‘Tana Jerusalem’ and one of its founders, was chosen to receive the prestigious award. Berman Domb, who has devoted many years to diverse social activities, heads the association that leads unique programs to strengthen the city of Jerusalem by attracting and keeping young men and women in the city, as well as shaping active, committed and influential community leadership.”
“The association leads programs intended for the younger generation of various ages in a democratic and pluralistic spirit, including: a pre-military preparatory school, an integrated midrash, programs for students and accompanying communities,” it added. “Many achievements have been credited to the association in its 13 years of activity: 500 graduates of the Jerusalem high school and TANA Jerusalem programs, 70% of the graduates work in the public and social sector and many have chosen to live in Jerusalem.”
It should be noted that the awarding ceremony will take place on Tuesday, 3/28/23, in Jerusalem in the presence of Mayor Moshe Leon